See what items the Beaver can balance on the back of their hand, or in the palm of their hand. For the really adventurous, let them use their head. Items include pencils, how many balls can they hold, plastic cups.
Hula hoops
If you can locate one, see if the Beavers can operate hula hoops successfully.
Try and teach the Beavers to juggle, very simply using 2 balls or bean bags. Have a spare ball or bean bag to give to the successful Beavers and see how they get on with 3.
Snake tag
The Beavers form two teams in two lines, with the Beavers holding onto the waist of the Beaver in front. The Beaver at the front of each team tries to tag the last Beaver on the other team. When caught, the Beaver joins the other ‘snake’. The
game ends when there is only one snake, or....
Play in lodges. Beavers get down on hands and knees and grab the ankles of the Beaver ahead. Try to move to a given spot without breaking hold.
Low balance beam
Lay a plank of wood on the ground. Ask the Beavers to walk across it. Ask them to go across in different ways - backwards, forwards, sideways, carrying something for balance. See what they find easier. Ask the Beavers to close their eyes and imagine they are walking across a gorge. Talk them over, when they get to the other side ask them to open their eyes. Very important that plank of wood is on the ground. Beaver should be no more than 3-6 cm in the air.
Bean Bag Balance
Requires: Bean bags
Divide the Beavers into teams, and have them in lines behind the start line. Each Beaver has to walk from the start line to the finish line balancing the bean bag on their head without dropping it. If the bean bag is dropped the Beaver must start again First team with all Beavers back, with the bag in front wins.
Other ideas
Egg and Spoon race
Stepping stones