1.Players pair up & stand in a circle. Each pair is arranged so that they are standing facing inwards, one of the pair behind the other. Space them out so that there is enough room to run between the pairs.
2. Choose a pair to be Chaser and Chased. Send one to opposite side of circle to start the game.
3. The Chaser then tries to catch the Chased. They must run in and out of the circle & not vanish off into the distance!
4. When the Chased is tired or nearly caught, he stands still in front of one of the pairs in the circle. When he does this, the one at the back of the pair now takes part in the chasing but becomes the CHASER, and the original Chaser becomes the Chased. It can become a quick, non-stop game if the Chased keep standing in front of the pairs in the circle.
5 If someone is caught, they just stand in front of a pair in the circle and the game goes on!
Watch out for:
- the circle getting smaller and smaller as the game goes on. When someone is caught, take the opportunity to move the pairs back out a pace or two.
- the Chased must stand right in front of a pair. If it is not clear which pair he is standing in front of then the game can go wrong with two Chasers!
- make sure everyone gets a go. The Chased do tend to pick their friends so some will get lots of turns & some will get none.
Why do we call it Queens Tag? Film footage of the Queen as a child - shows her playing this game aboard Brittannia, with some sailors and her sister.
Craft Bases: Jubilee Tea Pot
Tea pot template
Round Tea bag
Let the Beavers draw around the template and cut out their tea pot
Then they can decorate it - with a crown
Stick the tea bag and rhyme inside
This will make a cup of tea,
To celebrate the Queen’s jubilee
Game: Crown Jewels
Make a number of different coloured shapes jewels and hide around the room (enough for each Beavers to have one of each)
Give each Beavers a crown (drawn on A4 paper) with the spaces to fit the jewels.
See who can find all the jewels and stick them into the correct place on the crown.
Then colour in the rest of the crown.
Changing the Guard4 corners Marked with Buckinhgam Palace, Balmoral, Windsor Castle, Tower of London or use pictures Beavers run to the corners called. When leader calls " changing the Guard" they all run to a circle in the middle of the hall. (Like the 4 corner Beaver Game) Last one to the circle is out
BIG CLOCK (Big Ben) Game
All the beavers stand in a large circle and are numbered around the circle in in fours. One boy stands in the centre of the circle and he is BIG BEN
He will say Big Ben strikes ......... And will pick a number from one to four. All the beavers who are that number race around the outside of the circle in an anticlickwise direction.
Back through the place they came from in the circle to reach BIG BEN in the centre. The first beaver into the centre becomes Big Ben for the next go - with the old clock taking the number and place in the circle of the new Big Ben.
BUILD A CASTLE WALL (Buckingham Palace)Divide the colony into two teams - one half building the castle and the other half are trying to knock it down. The builders have a large selection of cardboard boxes and they race to build up a wall. The other half has a supply of soft balls and they have to knock down the wall as it is being built.
This quickly degenerates into absolute chaos but its lots of fun. Change over halfway through so that the builders get a chance to knock the others wall down. Beavers run around and atop at the labelled bus stops - the leader calls out : -
Bus no 1 - no room for last 2
Bus no 2 - first has forgotten fare
Bus no 3 - broken down
Bus no 4 - 1st beaver in front only on Bus
Bus no 5 - 3rd boy has forgotten lunch
Bus no 6 - school on holiday
Bus no 7 - last boy misses Bus
Bus no 8 - first 2 boys fighting
Bus no 9 - left early missed Bus
Bus no 10 - room for 1 only
Bus no 11 - 3rd boy at wrong Bus stop
Bus no 12 - Bus late walk home
Bus no 13 - driver taken ill
Bus no 14 - last Beavers fallen asleep misses Bus.
Bus stops around room beavers run to Bus stops etc. Etc.
Party Tables Cover tables with red, white and blue crepe paper - weighted at the corners to stop them flying away.
Flower Power Staying with your red, white and blue theme, place small
displays of fabric flowers in the centre of tables. Add small Union Jack
sandwich flags - for extra decoration.
Guards of Honour Make colourful red, white and blue streamers from strips
of crepe paper or tissue paper, attached to a dowel stick. 'Plant' along driveways and
pathways to create 'guards of honour' to welcome your guests.
Regal Ribbon Drape it around the home and garden and make colourful bows to add a splash of regal colour inside and out.
Balloon Bonanza Festoon the house and garden with balloons hung with
ribbon and crepe paper chains in red, white and blue.
Crowning Glory Make regal crowns and tiaras for your guests - and issue
everyone who stays until the end with a Fimo Jubilee medal
Frame It Don't forget to capture your special moments on camera and frame
the prints for posterity
Memory Box You can also make a Golden Jubilee Memory Box to collect all those little mementoes that never fit into a photograph album!
Medal of Honour If you have a pet, award it with a Jubilee Medal for its
Face Painting Red, white and blue faces for Jubilee fun
Jubilee colony scrap book with all the Beavers collecting ideas and info from magazines,
newspapers etc.
Rosettes to wear - in red, white and blue
Craft Ideas
Make some Union Jacks
Make a red rose for your button hole
Make a Crown or Tiara
Make a Jubilee Coaster
Get some MDF circles (appx 10cm in diameter)
Let the Beavers decorate with an enlarged Jubilee logo (or crown etc)
Then varnish.
Make a Family Tree - make a royal family tree using pictures from magazines
Make some royal family finger puppets
Make a big colony jubilee card and send to queen. The palace will reply.