Friday, 27 April 2007

Jamaica, 27/04/07

Game -  Bean Bag Toss

Popular game played by children in Jamaica.  For the colony can be played in teams.  Each team is given a bean bag. First Beaver in each team faces backwards and sees who can throw their beanbag the furthest. Each Beaver has a turn, points awarded and added up.
Alternatively if your HQ are too small play team style with a bucket in front of each team. Each Beaver in the team and 3 throws to see you gets the most beanbags in the bucket. Points awarded.

Craft  - Fruit Monsters / Animals
A selection of cut up fruit and cocktails sticks given to each lodge. This is the chance for Beavers to be creative and make weird and wonderful creations.
The craft can be made of cheaper fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges. But worth having a small selection of tropical fruits from Jamaica of which there are many for the Beavers to taste.

Limbo Dancing
Lots of fun – Play Reggae Music with 2 leaders holding the cane as the beavers dance threw. Lowering as they go.

Language The official language of Jamaica is English, spoken in proper fashi Jamaican accent. But the language of everyday is Patois (Pat-wa) a combination of English, Spanish, Portuguese.

Patois                                                                        English
Ello dere                                                                     Hello there
Ketch yuh layta                                                          Catch you later
Whey yuh a sey                                                         How is it going

Ow ole yuh is                                                 How old are you

Mi Fren                                                                       My Friend
Mada                                                              Mother
Fada                                                               Father
Nyam                                                              Eat
Likkle                                                              Little
Ax                                                                    Ask
Bwoy                                                               Boy
Gal                                                                  Girl

Food Tasting – Jerk Chicken, Dumplings, Rice with peas & Beans

Monday, 23 April 2007


Troop 3 in Youngstown, Ohio, recently had its first Eagle Scouts after being in existence for over 25 years. Troop 3 is a troop for Scouts who have mental and physical disabilities, and most of the Scouts are in their 30s and 40s. At the Eagle ceremony, five men received their coveted Eagle, after most of them had worked for the better part of 25 years earning the award, one small step at a time.
As you work on your advancement—I know you all get impatient and want to move along faster at times—remember Troop 3 and the Scouts who spent 25 years working toward their goal of becoming Eagles.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Greenland, 13/04/07

Game: Flying to Greenland – using the oceans around Greenland as the ‘corners’:
Arctic Ocean in the north; the Greenland Sea in the east; the Denmark Strait in the southeast; the Atlantic Ocean in the south.

The beavers stand in a circle. The leader goes round the circle giving each beaver a name - walrus, whale, seal, polar bear etc. When the name is called, each beaver with that name runs out of his/her space, clockwise, round the circle. The leader then calls ‘ Greenland ’ and the beavers have to change direction and go the other way round. You can make the ‘ Greenland ’ as often as you like with each set of beavers.

Game: Greenland is the largest island in the world – so play Shrinking Island
Spread out a large groundsheet and stand the Beaver Scouts some distance away
On the word ‘go’ the players try to stand on the island
When the leader calls ‘stop’ any player not on the island is out
All players leave the island, which is folded to make it smaller
The game is repeated until only 2 players are left

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“The Good Turn will educate the boy out of the groove of selfishness.”