Game - Bean Bag Toss
Popular game played by children in Jamaica . For the colony can be played in teams. Each team is given a bean bag. First Beaver in each team faces backwards and sees who can throw their beanbag the furthest. Each Beaver has a turn, points awarded and added up.
Alternatively if your HQ are too small play team style with a bucket in front of each team. Each Beaver in the team and 3 throws to see you gets the most beanbags in the bucket. Points awarded.
Craft - Fruit Monsters / Animals
A selection of cut up fruit and cocktails sticks given to each lodge. This is the chance for Beavers to be creative and make weird and wonderful creations.
The craft can be made of cheaper fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges. But worth having a small selection of tropical fruits from Jamaica of which there are many for the Beavers to taste.
Limbo Dancing
Lots of fun – Play Reggae Music with 2 leaders holding the cane as the beavers dance threw. Lowering as they go.
Language – The official language of Jamaica is English, spoken in proper fashi Jamaican accent. But the language of everyday is Patois (Pat-wa) a combination of English, Spanish, Portuguese.
Patois English
Ello dere Hello there
Ketch yuh layta Catch you later
Whey yuh a sey How is it going
Ow ole yuh is How old are you
Mi Fren My Friend
Mada Mother
Fada Father
Nyam Eat
Likkle Little
Ax Ask
Bwoy Boy
Gal Girl
Food Tasting – Jerk Chicken, Dumplings, Rice with peas & Beans