Friday, 27 July 2007

Hands, 27/07/07

5 Dots
  • Pencils
  • Paper
  1. As the Beavers come into the hall give them a piece of paper and a pencil. He/she puts 5 dots anywhere on the paper and passes the paper to another player.
  2. The second player has to draw a person with head, both hands and both feet each touching a different dot.
After a set time, eg. 3 minutes, all display their drawings. Leader picks out the best, neatest, funniest, cleverest etc.

All sit in a circle.
One player is the chief bunny and places their two thumbs against either side of their head (like antlers) and waves their fingers up and down.
The two players on each side are half bunnies and have one hand (nearest to the chief) against their head.
To pass the 'bunny' the chief bunny must point at another player with both hands, ensuring that their hands leave the side of their head.
The new chief must be quick to assume the necessary position, as do the new half bunnies.
A 'dummy bunny' is where the chief points, but his hands do not leave his head.
If a player falls for a 'dummy bunny' or is too slow then they are out.

Helpful Hand Plate
You need:
Paper Plate
Lace and/or Ribbon

  1. Paint one palm the desired colour and press it onto the paper plate.
  2. Once the paint dries, glue the lace around the edge of the plate and then add the ribbon for hanging.
  3. Don't forget to write the Beavers's name, age, and date on the plate!
For a little variety, use coloured paper plates.

Bench Ball

·         Two stable chairs or other items a goal keeper can stand on.
·         A ball, or more than one if you feel like making it more interesting
Game Description
Benchball is just a variation of netball, where the goals are replaced by a member of the team (the "goal")
When playing with Beavers you may wish to place Helpers/Leaders on or besides the chairs.
1.      Place two chairs at opposite ends of the playing area.
2.      Define/mark off goal areas in which no player is allowed to go.
3.      Select two teams.
4.      Each team has to elect a "goal".
5.      (Now for the bit that always causes confusion) The elected "goal" has to go and stand on the chair behind the opposition team (don't know why but however you explain this it never seems to sink in!)
1.      No player must go into the goal area.
2.      Physical contact must be kept to a minimum, and no "snatching" the ball out of player's hands.
3.      No player is allowed to take more than 2 steps with the ball.
4.      The ball must be thrown (without bouncing) to your keeper for a goal to be scored.
5.      Team with the highest score at the end wins.
Optional Rules:
1.      Once a goal is scored the "goal" must change -AND/OR-
2.      When the referee shouts "Change Goals" the "goal" must change.
1.      This game benefits from a "sin-bin"
2.      With a large number of players you may wish to complicate the issue by introducing more than one ball or even more than two goals (if you are playing in a large hall or outside)
3.      Suggested maximum team sizes are about 10. If you have more you could split them up and have a team "sitting out", cheering on the opposition.

All the Beaver Scouts have to draw around their hands and cut them out
Hand animals - make (on A4 paper) animals from the hand shapes - octopus, hedgehog etc
Hand tree - the Beaver Scouts write a good turn that they would like to do onto their ’hand’ and then stick it onto the tree (draw onto A1 paper) They can also colour the tree

Ball game - head and hands - make it harder by calling head and the Beaver Scouts have to catch etc

Make a fist - use the space between finger and thumb to make a mouth - paint on lips, eyes, nose and have some fun!!!
Try learning some simple Deaf sign language

Monday, 23 July 2007

Parable of the Toothpaste

(You will need a small tube of toothpaste to make this‑effective.)
Have you ever squeezed too much toothpaste out of a tube of toothpaste and tried to put it back in the tube? It can’t be done, can it? No matter how hard you try, the toothpaste is out of the tube forever. Toothpaste is similar to unkind words. Once unkind words come out of your mouth, you cannot take them back. So when you are tempted to say something unkind, remember the parable of the toothpaste, and keep the unkind words to yourself.

Friday, 13 July 2007

Faith, 13/07/07

Simon Says (usual rules)

Chat about the faith badge and the programme for the evening

Explain that we were only pretending to only have one hand – can the Beavers think why some people can only use one hand (broken arm, stiff joints, cut hand etc.)

Ask the Beavers to help do some simple tasks – then explain that they can only use one hand!
The Beavers have to put one hand behind their backs and then have to try to do some everyday things:
Tie a knot; pull some lego bricks apart; take the top off a drinking cup; put a card in an envelope etc….

We are all very lucky that we have 2 hands and can do lots of things with them. Direct the Beavers to go to the craft tables where they have a ‘big hand’ each in front of them. Explain that the finger is pointing upwards towards God because we all need to thank Hum for our hands and the things we can do with them.

Craft: A big hand
On a4 card (or paper) draw a large hand with the 1st finger pointing upwards for each Beavers.
The Beavers have to cut out the hands and colour them. Ask them to write onto the hands 5 things that we can do with our hands (stroke a dog, clean our teeth etc…).

When this is done stick a lolly stick onto the back of the hand so that the Beavers can hold them.

Game:  Under and over relay with ball
Beavers in relay lines have to pass the ball over their heads.
Repeat – pass the ball between their legs.
Repeat – alternate over and under

Closing Ceremony and payer
Hands to greet and fold in prayer,
Hands to bless and show you care,
Hands to clap and hands to raise,
Hands to show our love and praise.

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“O God, help me to win, but in thy wisdom if thou willest me not to win, then O God, make me a good loser.”