Sunday, 23 September 2007

A Simple Cloth and a Common Thread

They are woven of simple cloth and common thread. They are no more than an inch and a half in diameter, and weight no more than a couple of ounces. They are priceless, yet cost less than a dollar.
They have the power to turn struggle into courage
Self-doubt into self-esteem
Indecision into leadership
The unknown into knowledge
And the most magical metamorphosis of all, the transforming of a boy into a man.
What are these mysterious things: merit badges.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Sports Enthusiast, 14/09/07

Opening ceremony

Fitness Challenge & Sports Enthusiast:
Talk to the Beavers about how their six-week fitness plan has gone.
What they have discovered with their body overall
Test Beavers who are ready for the Sports Enthusiast.

Catch the Haggis
Split the Colony into four teams of equal numbers; you may need to adjust the number of teams or balls to make the game fair. Each team stands in a line spaced across the area of play with their supply of balls at one end and a bucket at the other. The object of the games is to pass all of the balls from one end of the line to the other by throwing and catching the balls. Only one ball can move at a time and everyone must throw and catch every ball. The winning team is the first one to move all of their balls into their bucket.

Short prayer
Closing Ceremony

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“It should be the thing never to mention unfairness of judging when defeated in a contest.”