Tuesday, 23 October 2007

The X Words

There are two X words that we use frequently in Boy Scouting—eXperience and eXample. You learn Scout skills by eXperience. We know that the way to learn is by doing. When we go on camping trips, you get the eXperience you need to master your skills. When you start to teach other Scouts what you know, you set the eXample. But much more important than teaching Scout skills is the eXample you set in your life. Do you always wear a clean uniform at Scout meetings? Are you careful with the language you use? Do you always finish your work before playing? Remember to think about the two X words every day.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Aeroplanes, 15/10/07

Chat about who has been in a plane, what was it like, where have they been, did they enjoy it etc etc

Craft – making planes

Light polystyrene planes, elastic bands, sellotape.  Will they fly?!

Try flying the planes
Will they fly and who’s will fly the furthest?

Game – corners
Hanger, runway, control tower, terminal

Name the different corners after different parts of an airport.  The Beavers “fly” around, arms outstretched listening to commands from “air traffic control” (leader).  If “change flight path” is called they need to fly in the opposite direction

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.”