Stencils of doves, other birds and animals. Magazines etc to make a large collage.
Game: Animals in the Ark
Beavers stand in circle and are named lion, monkey, tiger + elephant. When the animal name is called the Beavers run around the outside of the circle (clockwise) back to their own place. On the command ‘tide turns’ the Beavers turn and run in the opposite direction.
Craft: Animal magnets
Make up the animal faces (as templates) in foam-felt. Add a magnet.
Craft: Animal pegs
Make up the animal faces (as templates) in foam-felt. Then stick onto a wooden spring peg.
Game: Ladders
Sit the Beavers on chairs in 2 lines facing each other. Give the facing Beavers (in pairs) an animals name. Tell a story about all the characters named - as their name is said the Beavers stand up and run down the centre isle and back around to their place.