GAME – MUMMY (A different sort of mummy) Egyptian mummies – Divide the Beavers into teams at one end of the hall. Choose one beaver from each team to be the ‘mummy’, and stand them at the far end of the hall. Provide each team with a couple of toilet rolls. The beavers take it in turns to run up and wrap their mummy in paper, keeping clear of the nose and eyes. At the end of a given time (five minutes or so), the Leaders decide which mummy looks the best. Clearing away can also be made into a game – the Beaver Scout with the most rubbish wins.
MOTHERS DAY PRESENT- POT POURRIE (friendship award – caring)
Equipment - Pot Pourrie, lace curtain net by the metre or old lace curtain nets from a charity shop, coloured net, thin paper curling ribbon, card, 9 inch dinner plate. Marker. Small flowers.
Lay out curtain lace use the dinner plate as a template, mark around the outside of the plate. Cut out 1 circle per Beaver Scout.
Do the same with the coloured netting. Cut out 2 per Beaver Scout.
Cut out 1 cardboard circle per Beaver Scout (the size of the top of an eggcup.
Cut to length 1 white and one same colour as netting the curling ribbon. Enough to tie around the favour and tie in a bow. Curl the two ends by running across scissors.
Each Beaver Scout lays 1 circle of netting, 1 circle of lace curtain, 1 circle of netting on top of each other. Place the cardboard circle in the middle of the 3 layers.
Fill with a small amount of pot pourrie.
Gather up in the hand and tie the ribbon just about the pot pourrie.
Place a small flower in the middle.
Beavers can make a small label to fasten on.
GAME – CLOTHES PEG ON A LINE (jobs mums do)
Equipment – One clothes peg per beaver, a clothes line, two chairs and 1 sock per Beavers
Divide beavers into four teams. Tie a clothesline across two chairs approximately 2 ft high by 12 ft wide. Place enough pegs and socks in front of each team, one for each Beavers. A beaver from each team runs up to the line kneels down and picks up a sock and fixes with the peg to the line as quickly as possible. When Beavers has done then he/she runs back to the team and the next Beavers has a turn, when all the pegs/socks are on the line the team sit down.
ACTION STORY – (Families)
Mummy Beaver, Ben Beaver, Grandpa Beaver, Grandma Beaver, Bobby Beaver, Daddy Beaver, Whole Beaver Family.
Sit the Beavers’s in a circle and name of in turn the underlined words of the story as they hear their name called the run around the outside of the circle and back to their place, when ‘whole beaver family is mentioned they all stand up and run around the circle.
One day Mummy Beaver was going shopping to buy some apples for Bobby and Ben Beaver. When she reached the end of the road she met Grandpa Beaver who had been to the post office to buy some stamps so that Grandma Beaver could post a birthday card to Daddy Beaver.
After Mummy Beaver and Grandpa Beaver had finished chatting they went on their way, Grandpa Beaver walked home to take the stamps to Grandma Beaver for Daddy Beavers card and Mummy Beaver continued walking to the shops for some apples for Bobby and Ben Beaver.
At the shops there were some lovely juicy red apples which were just the sort that Bobby and Ben Beaver loved. So she bought them two each. She also bought some crisp green pears for Grandma Beaver, some big juicy oranges for Grandpa Beaver and some bananas for Daddy Beaver.
She walked very quickly home with the apples for Bobby and Ben Beaver, the pears for Grandma Beaver, the oranges for Grandpa Beaver and the lovely yellow bananas for Daddy Beaver. As she walked she thought to herself ‘what a lovely tea I can make for everyone’. But when she got home she found that the whole Beaver family had made tea for her.