Wednesday, 23 April 2008

St George, 23/04/08

Chat about St George - Story of St George - Emblem = Rose - Flag design

Game: Dragons and Hunters Beavers stand in a circle, one is the dragon and walks around the circle, tapping other Beavers on the shoulder saying Handmaid, when he taps and says Hunter, the Beavers who becomes the hunter chases the dragon around the circle and back into the empty space. If caught the dragon remains inside the circle, and the hunter is the dragon.

Craft Bases
1. Dragon Biscuits - using round digestive biscuits as base, let the Beavers make a dragon from marshmallows and other sweets.
2. English Flag - using template Beavers draw cross onto a piece of paper (appx 15cm x 20cm) -as template, colour in. Attach to garden cane or straw.
Drink and eat biscuits

Statues - Same as normal statues - but the dragon is ‘on’. and the Beaver Scouts run around being knights on horses.

Sword and Shield - make cardboard ones to play with later

Sword fight

Finger Food
Eat like they did in times of old - with your fingers!

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Everyone, close your eyes for a minute and clear your minds. I am going to give you a question to ask yourselves, but I do not want you to answer it yet: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Scouting is, of course, a time in your lives to have fun. But it has a very serious side as well. It is a time when you will learn many things to help you grow physically as well as mentally. It is hoped that you will learn to be responsible young men to your families, to other people, and to your fellow Scouts. Caring about and helping others are a large part of being responsible, which forms the basis of all aspects of Scouting. For instance, you might know a skill and perform it very well while another Scout might be having a problem with it. Don’t mock or belittle him. Take the time to show him the correct way to perform the skill. You might be wondering how that will help. Well, it will help in so many ways. Naturally, it will benefit the boy you have stopped to help by building his confidence and enabling him to teach others. But, also, can’t you see that you will be receiving the most benefit? You will have grown by showing others that you care. You will be looked up to as a leader. You will no longer be regarded as the student; you will now take your place as a role model and teacher, someone who is respected and admired.
So the next time I ask you to ask yourselves, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” you can look at me and proudly say, “Yes, I am!” Just remember that the answer to this question is not just a commitment, it is a way of life.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“An invaluable step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual.”