Friday, 25 July 2008

St Christopher, 25/07/08

Chat about St Christopher Patron Saint of Travellers

Let the Beavers design some forms of unusual transport

Game: Helping over the water
Equipment: rope for each lodge
Mark out an area on the floor that is to be the river
One Beavers from each lodge should be on one side of the river, with the rest of the lodge on the other side
The lone Beavers should throw the rope to first the Beavers on the other side - who should catch it and then allow himself to be pulled over the river. First lodge across the water wins.

Craft Base -Travelling
Using a large sheet of paper make a roadway of streets and roads around your area. Add markings such as yellow lines, crossings. Mark where the traffic lights and road signs go.
Let the Beavers make the traffic lights, road signs out of card and lolly sticks.
Let the Beavers make cars out of plasticine or card
Then let them make a model of themselves and talk about travel and crossing the road.

Game: Helping each other (Balloon Duo)
In pairs, give each pair a balloon to blow up and tie.
Mark start and finish lines about 30 feet apart.
Partners stand side by side at the start line, linking their inside arms and holding the balloon in their free hands. When the leader says GO the partners work together hitting the balloon to keep it in the air and making their way down the hall to the finish line.
If a balloon lands on the floor the partners may stop to pick it up, but may not unlink arms.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Set of the Sail

It’s likely that several of you guys have done some sailing and found it to be a lot of fun. The amazing thing about sailing is that two sailboats in the same breeze can be going in different directions! I’m sure you’ve noticed that.
The same thing can be true of Scouts. Let me read you a very short play to show what I mean.
Act 1: Curtain! Two boys enter to join a Scout troop.
The curtain closes. Time passes.
Act 2: The curtain opens again to show the same troop two or three years later. Where are those guys who joined in Act 1? Wait, there’s one! Hey, he’s a Patrol Leader now. And there’s the other one! But look, he’s wearing only an Assistant Patrol Leader badge. Why?
Both had the same chances. One Scout sailed ahead, one limped along. Why? Must be the set of their sails!
As Ella Wheeler Wilcox said:
One ship drives east and another drives west
With the selfsame winds that blow.
’Tis the set of the sails and not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

St Swithin,15/07/08

Chat about St Swithin - Patron Saint of Weather - then let the Beavers change into the old clothes that they have brought with them

1.Outside Game: Water Relay
Beavers in teams. Place a small amount of water into a paper cup. See which team can carry the water on their heads and empty into a bucket without spilling.

2.Outside Game: Water Rounders
Use water balloons instead of balls. Usual rules apply!

3.Outside Game: Sponge Battle
Similar rules to volley ball but with wet sponges.
Make a ‘net’ with 2 poles and rope. Beavers (in 2 teams) line up on either side of net armed with pieces of wet sponge. Have a bucket of water ready to ‘refresh’ the sponges. See who can get the most sponges into the other teams ½ after (say) 2 minutes.

Come in, and get dry. Have a (wet) drink!

Monday, 7 July 2008

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.”