Sunday, 23 November 2008

Our Spiritual Compass

For Scouts on a hike or a canoe trip, a compass is an important tool. Because it gives you a stable reference point (magnetic north), you can set a course and follow it. As long as your compass is accurate and you don’t damage it, it will serve you faithfully—if you trust it. Our faith or spirituality is something like that. We have a point of reference that does not change: God. And we have a compass, so to speak, in our relationship with God. It’s something we have learned and continue to learn about, just as we learn to use a compass properly. We use our spirituality and faith to get us through this grand journey we call life. If we are prepared to trust the things we have learned about God, our spirituality can guide us through the joys and the temptations of life. We can use it to show us what service we can give and what potential dangers to stay away from. We can use it to guide us in our friendships, in our work, in what we say to people and about people, and in how we treat our natural world.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Remembrance Day, 11/11/08

Chat about Remembrance Day and peace. Practice standing to attention and at ease.

Army, navy, air force game
In a circle each Beaver Scout is named army, navy, or airforce. The leader calls one name and the Beaver with that name run around the outside of the circle. First one back to his own place scores a point for his team.

Poppy Wreath + Cross
Poppy Wreath
Draw and cut out poppy shapes from red tissue or crepe paper. Use black paper for the centre circle.
Cut the centre from a paper plate (this can be used for the cross craft).
Stick the poppies around the circle

Poppy Cross
Using centre from plate cut into a cross.
Stick one poppy to the centre of the cross

Attention game
The Beavers march around the room. The leader calls out:-
Attention – they all stand still & to attention
At ease - they all stand still & at ease
Salute - they all stand still & salute
Fall out - they all turn right and walk to the edge of the room
March - they all march around the room.

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“It is risky to order a boy not to do something; it immediately opens to him the adventure of doing it.”

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“It is risky to order a boy not to do something; it immediately opens to him the adventure of doing it.”

Saturday, 1 November 2008

All Saints Day, 01/11/08

Coming in game: 5 Dots
Each Beavers has a piece of paper and a pencil. He/she puts 5 dots anywhere on the paper and passes the paper to another Beavers. The Beavers has to draw a person with head, both hands and both feet each touching a different dot.
Remember the halo – because we are doing Saints !

Game: Saints About
One piece of paper per Beaver – on which is written the name of a saint. These can be repeated so 3 or 4 pieces of paper have the same name. Place the paper on the floor. The Beavers run around and when ALL Saints is called they stand on a piece of paper. The leader calls out a saint’s name and if the Beavers in on that named paper he wins a sweet.

Craft Bases: Stained Glass Windows
If you are a sponsored group your Church may have stained glass windows depicting Saints – perhaps you could show the Beavers them?
Each Beavers need a square of sugar paper with a design in the centre cut out & some pieces of coloured tissue paper. The Beavers should cut the tissue paper to cover the hole in the paper. When completed they can be hung in the Beavers windows at home.

Game: Oranges & Lemons
2 Beavers stand in centre of room hands held up into an arch, one is an orange the other a lemon.. The other Beavers pass through. When the last line is said the 2 Beavers catch a Beavers within their arms. He then joins the arch as either an orange or a lemon, and so on.