Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Kwanzaa, 30/12/08

Game: Back to back
Players stand about in pairs. One Beaver is ‘It’
When the leaders calls, "Back to back!" the players must back up to a partner.  When the leader calls "Face to Face!" these partners must face each other and shake hands. 
On the next call "Back to back!" and each time here after, all players must change partners. 
‘It’ tries to get a partner during the change. 
The player left out becomes it.

Fried BananasThe holiday is based on traditional "first fruits" or harvest.
A snack idea for this would be Fried Bananas -
Material -
6 med to large bananas; plastic knives; lemon juice; brown sugar; cinnamon;
butter; frying pan; spatula; paper towels
Ask the children to peel the bananas and cut into 1/2" slices (you may want to
do the cutting). Place banana slice on a plate and sprinkle a little lemon
juice, brown sugar and cinnamon onto the slices. Put butter in the frying pan
over med heat. Place a layer of slices in the frying pan. Fry both sides of
the slices until golden. Drain on paper towels and serve.

Game: Banana
Equipment: A rag or sock or a real banana     
Form a circle with all players sitting on the floor.  It is important for the players to sit close together with their knees up and their hands tucked under their legs.  The person in the middle has to figure out where the banana is as the people in the circle are passing the "banana" under their legs secretly.     

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

The Twins

One day a set of twins decided to move to a new town because they felt like they’d seen everything there was to see in their hometown. They started out together, but somehow along the way one twin had gotten ahead of the other one.
This first twin came to an old man sitting by the road just outside a nearby town.  The twin stopped and asked the old man what the people were like in this town. The old man replied by asking the same question of him, “What were the people like in the town you came from?” The first twin said they were very unkind and harsh, not very friendly at all. The old man said, “I think you’ll find that the people who live here are very much the same.”
Not long after the first twin left, the second twin came across the same old man sitting by the same road. This twin stopped and asked the same question of the old man. The old man again replied by asking what the people were like in the town the twin had come from. The second twin said the people were all great. “I had a lot of friends and the people always tried to help others.” The old man replied, “I think you’ll find that the people who live here are very much the same.”
The point here isn’t about the people who lived in those towns, it is about how a person treats the people around him. If you treat others with kindness and understanding, they will treat you the same way.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“It’s the spirit within, not the veneer without, which makes a man.”