Let the Beaver Scouts cut out snowflakes and stick them around the room - see who can do the most or the most decorative one.
Snowmen Aboard (as Captain's Aboard)
The Beaver Scout run around and when one of the following is called out they have to complete the actions - the last one to complete the action is out.
Snowman - stand still
Blizzard - cover eyes and stand still
Snow Balls - curl up in a ball on the floor
Eskimos - Beavers rub noses
Sledges in 2s - Beavers pair up and sit on a pretend sledge (could be done in 3s or4 s etc)
Igloos - Beavers make an arch in 2s
Snow Flakes - Beavers lie in floor with arms and legs outstretched
Ice Skating Animal
Old CD
Construction Paper or Felt
Pipe Cleaners
Wiggle Eyes
Snow Shaped Sequins (optional)
Make a small person or animal using pom-poms by gluing 2 larger pom-poms together, one will be the head and one will be the body.
Use the paper or even beads to make the face.
Use smaller pom-poms or pipe cleaners for arms and legs. Cut 2 pieces of pipe cleaner approximately 1 inch long.
Glue them on the bottom of your pom-pom animal's 'feet'. Set aside and let the glue dry.
Lay the CD down so the shiny side is up.
Glue your animal to the CD.
Finally, you can decorate your 'ice rink' and skater more using snowflake shaped sequins if you like. You can also use a large pom-pom to look like a rock glued on the CD where the middle hole is.
Chat and drink
Why does it snow? What is snow made of?
Try some of the new white chocolate finger biscuits or what about snowballs?
Beaver Scouts sit in a circle (on chairs if possible). Name them - snow, frost, cold, wind around the circle.
When snow is called out all the Beavers with that name swap places - and so on. Try calling 2 out at once.
When storm is called all the Beavers swap places