Crisp taste test
Number five bowls of potato crisps and record which flavour is in each bowl.
Tape the five potato crisp bags to the wall behind the table.
The BSs have to match the taste with the bag.
Speed spud
Set up a ramp to roll potatoes down. Use a long stacking table with the legs of one end collapsed. Let everyone choose a potato. Set these up at the start line at the top of the ramp. At a signal from the leader, the racers let their spuds go. The first one over the finish line wins.
Improvise different rules: the straightest rolling spud wins; the fastest wins; the one that rolls the farthest wins; the funniest roll wins.
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
Collect a variety of items to decorate the spuds. Include vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, carrots) and non-food items like paper, beads, ribbon, string.
Let the BSs use toothpicks to stick things to the potatoes.
Allow group members about 20 minutes to make their own personalized creation.
Chat and drink
Use the event to tell your Beaver Scouts about the food value in potatoes. Did you know the lowly spud holds almost all the minerals and vitamins a person needs to survive, including vitamin A, B, C, and D?
Make a list of all the ways we eat potatoes: baked, scalloped, mashed, fried, stuffed, boiled, potato chips. Talk briefly about the need for good eating habits and nutrition.
Potato wheel-barrow race
Organize a wheel-barrow race with a team of two Beavers-one on the floor walking on hands and the other holding up his/her feet
Put a potato on the back of each 'wheel barrow'. Listen to the shrieks of glee! If the spud falls off, the team must return to the starting line.