Friday, 31 July 2009

Treasure Island, 31/07/09

Eye Patches
Made from patches of black felt and elastic. You could always use black card instead and the Beaver Scouts could paint a skull and cross bones onto it in white paint or white wax crayon.
Wooden Book marks
They were made from wooden spatulas with an animal shape glued to one end. The Beaver Scouts decorated them as they wanted. You could always do this in the colony using thick card.
Connect 4
Bit like the ones you see in play areas. May not be possible in the colony – although you could always have a games night.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Wonderland, 24/07/09

Decorate the Mad Hatter’s Tea Pot
The Scouts had made a large tea pot out of chicken wire covered in paper-mache
The Beaver Scouts had to decorate the tea pot – there were some inventive pictures!
Perhaps a simpler thing for the colony would be to make tea pot shaped cards but using an Alice in Wonderland theme
Cress Eggs
The Beaver scouts added cress seeds to an egg shell filled with damp cotton wool.
The leaders explained how it would grow
In your colony you could put the egg shell onto of a tube of card which the Beaver Scouts could decorate as one of the Queen of Hearts soldiers.
Humpty Dumpty Jigsaw
The Beaver Scouts made up large floor jigsaws that some enterprising person has made from hardboard and painted.
In the colony the Beaver Scouts could design the jigsaw on cardboard and leaders could cut them up into large pieces then have a relay game to see who could be the 1st to put their picture back together.
Using children’s croquet sets – this is quite hard for the Beaver Scouts to do – it challenges them quite a bit.
Find the White Rabbit
In the chapel at Waddecar – we got the opportunity to show it to the Beaver Scouts and explain all about it. Then they hunted for hidden white rabbits – pictures not the real thing!!
There were about 30 hidden around the chapel area – you could easily do this in your colony.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

A Scout Is Considerate

A person is considerate if he is concerned about the feelings of other people. With this basic idea in mind, what characteristics would make you considerate?
Being respectful and polite.
Being helpful and courteous.
Respecting the privacy of others.
Respecting other people’s property.
Respecting the right of others to have different beliefs and ideas.
Have you heard the story about an old man who went to the Olympic Games in ancient Greece? He arrived late and not a single seat was left. A Spartan youth noticed the old man’s problem and gave him his seat. A group of Athenian boys saw this act of courtesy and began to applaud. The old man turned to them saying,
“Yes, you Athenians know what is right to do—but it takes a Spartan to do it.”
Knowing what you should do to be courteous is not enough; you must put it into practice every day. The courtesy you practice as a boy will make you a better man.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Royal Air Force, 17/07/09


Let the Beaver Scouts cut out and colour in twirlers
Cut an oblong of paper 6 cm by 12 cm; fold in ½ length ways and cut ¾ of the way down the fold. Let the Beaver Scouts decorate them. Fold in half again and bend the tops over – fasten in place with a paper clip. We which one twirls the best!

Make 4 large bulls-eye targets (like on the sides of ‘planes) from card. Add scores to each band. In teams the Beaver Scouts have to throw a disc into the target – add up the scores.

Craft: Paper planes
From folded paper – look this up in an origami book

Plane racing – using the planes they have just made

Make 4 A4 labels (plane; jet; glider; rocket) Divide the colony into 4 teams named as the A4 sheets. Give a label to each leader – the Beaver Scouts run around being aeroplane and when their team name is called they have to line up in front of their leader. Be sneaky and get the leaders to swap the A4 sheets!!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“A boy can see the smoke rising from Sioux villages under the shadow of the Albert memorial.”

Friday, 3 July 2009

Promise, 03/07/09

In the pond
Beavers stand with their toes touching the circle. Leaders call out ‘In the pond’ (beavers jump in the circle) or ‘On the bank’ (jump outside the circle), slowest beaver loses a life (roll up one sleeve). Try and catch them out by saying ‘ON the pond’ or ‘IN the bank’, if they move they lose a life. When they lose all their lives they sit on the bank, last one standing is the winner.

Promise Jigsaw
Prepare cards (one set per lodge) with the words of the promise on them.
Have a copy of the promise printed out to show the Beaver Scouts.
In relay fashion the Beavers line up at one end of the room
In turn they run to the other end – roll the dice and find the card with that number on it. They take the card back to their lodge and when all the pieces are retrieved they make up the promise..

Hand Promise
The Beavers draw around their hand and colour it in
The cut it out and stick it onto the piece of paper with the promise written on it.