Copy a number of the "What is wrong" sheets and the Beavers have to spot what is wrong!
Chat about the theme of Home Safety
Label one end of the hall SAFE and the other DANGER. The Beavers stand in the centre of the hall. The leader calls out a statement eg: I am going to play on the stairs. The Beavers have to decide if this is SAFE or DANGEROUS and run to the correct wall. Keep the questions simple.
I am going to cut up an apple I am going to ask mum for a warm drink
I am going to play with matches I am going to look in the cupboard under the sink
I am going to play in the garage I will not climb on chairs
I will look after my brother / sister I will not torment the dog / cat
Craft – A safe house
Copy 2 sheets of paper per Beavers with an outline of a house with rooms inside, label one SAFE the other DANGEROUS. The Beavers have to cut pictures out of magazines (or catalogues) and stick them into the houses deciding which is safe and which is potentially dangerous
Obstacle Course - In teams the Beavers have to negotiate an obstacle course.
Bandage game – Beavers have to bandage one member of their lodge using toilet paper. First to finish wins