Friday, 28 August 2009

Home Safety, 28/08/09

Copy a number of the "What is wrong" sheets and the Beavers have to spot what is wrong!

Chat about the theme of Home Safety

Label one end of the hall SAFE and the other DANGER. The Beavers stand in the centre of the hall. The leader calls out a statement eg: I am going to play on the stairs. The Beavers have to decide if this is SAFE or DANGEROUS and run to the correct wall. Keep the questions simple.
I am going to cut up an apple I am going to ask mum for a warm drink
I am going to play with matches I am going to look in the cupboard under the sink
I am going to play in the garage I will not climb on chairs
I will look after my brother / sister I will not torment the dog / cat

Craft – A safe house
Copy 2 sheets of paper per Beavers with an outline of a house with rooms inside, label one SAFE the other DANGEROUS. The Beavers have to cut pictures out of magazines (or catalogues) and stick them into the houses deciding which is safe and which is potentially dangerous

Obstacle Course - In teams the Beavers have to negotiate an obstacle course.
Bandage game – Beavers have to bandage one member of their lodge using toilet paper. First to finish wins

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Look At the Turtle

What can we learn from the turtle? First we see his shell, his armor, his means of defense. We are like the turtle in that we have many ways to protect ourselves—our instinct to draw away from danger, to shelter ourselves from it, for example.
Secondly, we see the turtle’s persistence. He’s slow, he’s plodding, but he always gets where he’s going. His persistence is memorialized in the age-old story of the tortoise and the hare. The persistent tortoise outlasted the showy, flashy, and very fast hare. We can learn from the turtle that our greatest accomplishments do not come from skill alone, but require our persistence in striving for the goal, such as in our journey to the rank of Patrol Leader.
Finally, we see that the turtle can go nowhere unless he first sticks out his neck. Again we are like the turtle in that we accomplish nothing until we dare to stick out our necks once in a while.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Resolutions, 21/08/09

Game: New Year corner game
Label each of the corners of the room (use some of these)–
Hogmanay – Scottish name for new year
Wu Zhi  - Chinese New Year (year of the rat) begins between January 21 and February 20
Rosh Ha-Shanah - Jewish name for new year but is celebrated in September
Muharram - is the first month of the Islamic calendar.
Diwali - is a New Year festival in the Vikrama calendar, where it falls on the night of the new moon in the month of Kartika.
Usual rules – the Beaver Scouts run to the wall they choose and the leader calls out a new year – any Beaver Scouts in that corner are out.

Game: Dice

Six squares are chalked on the floor and numbered from 1 - 6.
All the players take part. They run around the room until the leader blows a whistle and then they choose a square and sit in it.
The leader picks the quietest player to pick a card from his hand, held like a fan with the numbers turned away. All the players in the chosen numbered square are out!

Letter Game
Equipment: paper and pencils per team
Divide the beavers into four teams. Each team has pieces of paper and some pencils. The leader then gives a letter (e.g.B) and each team has to write or draw as many things as they can think of that begins with the letter B. The team with the most things beginning with the letter score a point.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Wild West, 14/08/09

Indian Headdress
The Beaver Scouts made these from a strip of card with a coloured feather. In stead of taping the card to the correct head size it was cut – like this – saves tape!!
Try out bow and arrows
Don’t panic – not real ones – they were made from string and garden canes. The Beaver Scouts had to try to burst water filled balloons – they loved it!
Make a Tee-Pee
Made from paper and decorated with Indian symbols. A good one to do in the colony. Cut a semi circle of paper. Let the Beaver Scouts decorate and then tape into a one shape. Add a piece of feathered paper to the top.
Look for Cree Indian signs

 Pan for Gold
Bit wet – but fun. The Beaver Scouts each had a Frisbee and had to scoop it into the water then drain off the water and see if they had found gold. The leaders said there was some in there but we did not find any!! Perhaps a bit wet for a colony evening – you could try it outdoor with lots of towels!
Face painting
Simple but fun – just watch out for allergies

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“Boys can see adventure in a dirty old duck puddle, and if the Scoutmaster is a boys’ man he can see it, too.”

Friday, 7 August 2009

Camelot, 07/08/09

Each Beaver Scouts got to make a large shield made from pre-cut cardboard. They decorated it them selves. The hand grips were mage from card attached to the shield using paper fasteners.
Get knighted
The Beaver Scouts were knighted as Knights of the Round Table and could choose their own name.
Jester’s skills
A leader showed the Beaver Scouts loads of Jester skills and tricks – they could all have a turn. The Diablo was really difficult to do!