Welcome: Gather everyone around and welcome them. Introduce Beavers to the Leaders/adults.
Game: How we organise ourselves - Colony Calls and instructions
Beaver corner – Sit down quietly in the beaver corner
Build a dam – Form a large circle, holding hands
Gather logs – Crouch down on the floor, beaver teeth
Into your lodges – Beavers stand on black line
123, Who are we? – Call out “Beavers, beavers, beavers”
What do we do? – Call out “Sharing, sharing, sharing”
Game: Get to Know Each Other
Each Beaver is given a piece of paper with the boxes on. Ask them to go around the room and talk to other Beaver and Leaders to get answers to the questions. They must talk to everyone in the room.
Watch out for any particularly shy Beavers. Perhaps an adult can help them?
*One sheet per person, felt tip pen to write with*
Game: The Law Relay
Cut up the Beaver Scout Motto and Promise.
Beavers line up as for a relay race, and one at a time run to the far end of the hall (or round an obstacle course) where they are given part of the Law. On their return to ‘base’ they then try and assemble the words so that the Law reads correctly.
The Beaver Scout Promise
All Members of the Scout Movement make a special Promise. When you are invested as a Beaver Scout you will have to know the Beaver Scout Law and you will also have to make your Promise in front of the Colony.
The Beaver Scout Promise
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God
It is easy to learn and say these words, but it is really important that you try to keep your Promise every day. Helping other people means helping them at all times – not just when you feel like it. Doing your best means trying your hardest all the time – and in everything you do. The final line really means that you respect your God, the world in which we live, and other people. It means behaving properly to all those you meet every day. A good Beaver Scout is not selfish but tries to find ways of helping other people. A good turn is something you do to help someone else. Every Beaver Scout is challenged to do at least one Good Turn every day. Doing your best is mentioned in the Promise. That is because it is very important. If you want to be a good Beaver Scout there is no other way – you simply have to do your best.
The Scout Sign
The Scout Sign is almost the same as the Salute, but you should hold your hand at shoulder height. It is only used when someone is making or renewing their Promise.
When Scouts meet, they greet each other in a special way. They shake hands with the left hand! You will often see your Leader using the left hand – especially when a badge is presented. There is a very good reason for using the left handshake. When Baden-Powell was a soldier in Africa, he saw lots of tribal chiefs who carried spears and shields. He noticed that it was a sign of great trust to offer your left hand when shaking hands. This was because you had to put down your shield and yet leave the other person with a spear in his hand.
Game: Get to Know Each Other.
The Beavers form a large circle with a Leader standing in the middle. The Leader has a large ball. They tell the Colony their name and throw the ball to a Beaver, who says his or her name before throwing the ball to another. If this goes well have the Beavers say their favourite colour or hobby or sport. Keep the ball moving around and across the circle.