Friday, 29 January 2010

Alligators, 29/01/10

Opening ceremony

Alligator tag: Three Beavers are on and as they tag other Beavers they join together (holding around the waist) see which crocodile gets to be the longest.

Talk about Alligators

Craft: colour in picture of alligator

Craft Bases: Alligator (could also be a card)
Fold a piece of green card the long way. Draw an alligator shape. Draw a long snout, 2 legs and a long tail
Cut about 6 small diagonal slits along the back along the fold line
Unfold the card, and fold over each of the slits (forming little triangles)
Draw a toothy mouth and eye.
Cut out the teeth and decorate

Game: The Everglades (where crocodiles live!)
Islands - write the following onto separate pieces of paper: Eaten, Escaped, Safe on the island, taken to the nest (and any others you can think of). Have one piece of paper per Beaver. Scatter label downwards on the floor. Then the Beavers run around and when the leader shouts crocodiles coming they have to stand on a piece of paper. Depending upon what is written on the paper - the Beavers stay in the game or are out!

Wrap the Kea
You need two or three or more volunteers depending on your numbers to be the Kea, organise the groups evenly, if short use a leader or parent helper. Place the Keas at the end of the hall or outside, place the teams on the opposite side with some distance between them, for the relay. Each team is behind a chalked line, or rope. An unused toilet roll is placed in front of each group. It's a good idea to have some spare rolls in case your group numbers are high. On the whistle each team members runs up and wraps the kea, when the whistle blows the team person has to run back and hand the toilet roll to the next person, this is done till everyone has a turn. Each team sits down once they are finished, once they have done this the Kea that is wrapped then tries to take flight and runs to their team and sits down with them. Once the game is finished each team member helps to clean up. Alternative names: Wrap the cub, leader, scout, parent, mummy, etc. Or instead of a whistle, use music, or call out.

Short prayer
Closing Ceremony

Saturday, 23 January 2010


(You will need a small bundle of wooden matches and a rubber band. Gather up the matches and neatly bundle them together so that they will stand when you set them down.)
Our troop is much like these matches. (Stand the matches on end for everyone to see.) You might have noticed that we all stick together. It is the trust, friendship, and knowledge of everyone here that makes us feel this way. We know that when the going gets tough, like on our last campout, if we stick together we will come out on top. On our campout, everyone did their job. The tents were set up, the cooks prepared a fine meal, and the wood crew brought in enough firewood to last a week. We stuck together. But what happens if we don’t stick together? (Pick up the bundle of matches and take the rubber band off. Then set the bundle back on the floor. Let the matches fall and scatter.) If we don’t stick together, we will all fall apart just as these matches did. When this happens we cannot accomplish as much as we can as a team.
Thanks for sticking together.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Animals, 22/01/10

Opening ceremony

Beavers be animals:
The leader calls out: ‘Beavers be lions’ and the Beavers have to pretend to be lions then ‘Beavers be dogs’ etc

Whose tail
Pictures of animals’ tails around the room - the Beavers are given a list of animals and have to match the tail to the animal.

Chat about animals and zoos

Craft: Animal plates
Using paper plates let the Beavers create animals

Game: Elephants charge
Beavers stand at one end of the hall. When the leader calls ‘elephants charge’ they run to the other end. The leader rolls the ball and tries to hit the Beavers below the knee. If ‘hit’ the Beavers are out

Stealing Nagaina's Eggs
All except one Six are blindfolded and sit on the floor, spaced around the hall. At one end of the hall are piled the eggs (beanbags or other objects) The free Six must tiptoe quietly through nest of cobras to try to steal the eggs and return without being 'bitten' (touched by waving arms) Note - only one egg can be taken per cub at a time. When all eggs have been stolen, or after a set time, select another Six to have a go. Note - any Beaver 'bitten' is regarded as dead and is out

Short prayer
Dear Lord
Thank you for all the days in the year
And for all the living creatures on this planet
And for all your gifts to us

Closing Ceremony

Friday, 15 January 2010

Aeroplanes, 15/01/10

Opening ceremony

Flying Formations
The Beavers run around the hall in circles with their arms outstretched. The corners of the hall are: Control tower; Hangar; Runway; Refuelling depot. A leader calls out instructions - while the 'planes' are in the air the leader can 'change flight path' and the Beavers should turn and run in the opposite direction

Aeroplane craft
Talk about who has been on a plane, and where they have been. How do planes stay in the air?
Cut out the 'shadow' shapes of some 'flying machines' and let the Beavers match them with the picture and guess what they are. Examples could be an Air Balloon, a jet, a Jumbo jet, Concorde etc. Also have a few pictures of planes to colour.

Paper planes
In small groups show the Beavers how to fold a simple paper plane
Once folded let the Beavers decorate them - make sure each 'pilot' writes their name on their plane

Air display
Line the Beavers up with their planes
See whose will go the furthest when thrown
Try racing against long party balloons

The Beavers sit in pairs on the floor facing each other with their feet touching. They form the rungs of a ladder.
Each pair is numbered off from one end. The Leader calls a number and the Beavers with that number have to get up and carefully step over the rungs of the ladder (i.e. other Beavers’ legs), touch the wall, run down the outside of the ladder (on their own side) to the top and then down the ladder to their places. It is a race between the pair; the first one back in his place wins.

Variations: Story Ladders 
Equipment: Story book
Each pair is given a character / part in a story. The Leader reads out the story and every time a pair hears their part mentioned they race as outlined above.
This variation helps to improve the Beavers’ listening skills and holds their attention better than the normal version. Make sure that each part features more than once. Try more than one pair racing at the same time. You will need to spend time emphasizing the route that each side takes. The younger Beavers, in particular, tend to want to run down the same side of the ladder. Also stress that Beavers must keep their legs straight out, touching, still, and on the floor - otherwise injuries can result as Beavers trip or stand on legs.
Mathematical ladders – call out a sum e.g. “2 plus 3” – the pair numbered 5 races.

Egg & Spoon relay                 
Balls and spoon. Obstacle course.

Short prayer
Closing Ceremony

Friday, 8 January 2010

Kangaroo, 08/01/10

Opening ceremony

Kangaroo relay. Normal rules - but the Beaver Scouts have to hop!

Hunt the wallaby. Hide pictures of native Australian animals around the room - who can find the wallabies?

Iced biscuits as the Australian flag

Kangaroo pencil holders:
Let the Beaver Scouts copy a kangaroo template (add a square at the bottom that can be folded forward to make a base for the ½  kitchen roll inner that will be stuck to the front to hold pencils.

Upside down game
Find some pictures of every day objects taken from an unusual age
See how many the Beaver Scouts can guess

Lay out a few hoops (or draw chalk circles), these are the islands. The area around the hoops is shark infested sea. The children must walk around the hoops; no standing still, hanging around one hoop etc. A leader shouts 'Sharks' and all the children should take refuge in a hoop, as many as possible in each hoop. Any children caught by the shark (the leader) are out. Leader shouts 'all clear' and the children walk around again. Repeat, but remove some hoops so that the children really have to crowd into a few hoops. The idea of the game is that they help each other to stay in the hoop.

Knock-Out Skittles
Equipment: 2 chairs, 2 sponge footballs, 5 skittles (bought ones or pop bottles in different colours)
Game layout:
Chair                          X     X    X    X    X        <= skittles                         Chair
 Split the Colony into 2 teams. Put a team at each end of the room behind the chair. A ball is placed on the chair. When the game starts, a Beaver climbs onto the chair and throws the ball towards the skittles to try to knock one down. Whether they knock one down or not, they must jump down and retrieve the ball to pass to the next Beaver who should be waiting on the chair for their return. The Beaver who has just had his go then joins the back of his team. The Beavers get as many turns as it takes to complete the game. The game is completed when one team has knocked down 3 skittles.
Equipment: 2 chairs, 2 beanbags, 1 skittle
Game layout: Chair (held by adult)          X   <= skittle      Chair (held by adult)

Short prayer
Closing Ceremony

Friday, 1 January 2010

Beaver Logs, 01/01/10

Opening ceremony

Make Logs: Let the Beavers make ‘logs’ from rolled up newspaper - to be used in first game. Hands will need washing after this!

Chat about the Beaver animal

Game: Beaver under the blanket

Beaver biscuits: Ingredients - digestive biscuits, liquorice allsorts + strands, chocolate icing. Let the Beavers make a beaver face from the bits and pieces

Beaver word search

Beaver logs: Beavers divide into 2 or 3 teams and are given a number. The teams go to different corners of the room. An odd number of logs are placed in the centre of the room and the leader calls out a number - that Beavers must collect as many logs as possible and place them in his corner. Team with the most logs at the end wins

Short prayer
Dear Lord
Thank you God for all the Beavers
And all the boys and girls who join
Bless us in our work and play
This and every day

Closing Ceremony

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

“It is important to arrange games and competition so that all Scouts of the troop take part.”