Opening ceremony
Alligator tag: Three Beavers are on and as they tag other Beavers they join together (holding around the waist) see which crocodile gets to be the longest.
Talk about Alligators
Craft: colour in picture of alligator
Craft Bases: Alligator (could also be a card)
Fold a piece of green card the long way. Draw an alligator shape. Draw a long snout, 2 legs and a long tail
Cut about 6 small diagonal slits along the back along the fold line
Unfold the card, and fold over each of the slits (forming little triangles)
Draw a toothy mouth and eye.
Cut out the teeth and decorate
Game: The Everglades (where crocodiles live!)
Islands - write the following onto separate pieces of paper: Eaten, Escaped, Safe on the island, taken to the nest (and any others you can think of). Have one piece of paper per Beaver. Scatter label downwards on the floor. Then the Beavers run around and when the leader shouts crocodiles coming they have to stand on a piece of paper. Depending upon what is written on the paper - the Beavers stay in the game or are out!
Wrap the Kea
You need two or three or more volunteers depending on your numbers to be the Kea, organise the groups evenly, if short use a leader or parent helper. Place the Keas at the end of the hall or outside, place the teams on the opposite side with some distance between them, for the relay. Each team is behind a chalked line, or rope. An unused toilet roll is placed in front of each group. It's a good idea to have some spare rolls in case your group numbers are high. On the whistle each team members runs up and wraps the kea, when the whistle blows the team person has to run back and hand the toilet roll to the next person, this is done till everyone has a turn. Each team sits down once they are finished, once they have done this the Kea that is wrapped then tries to take flight and runs to their team and sits down with them. Once the game is finished each team member helps to clean up. Alternative names: Wrap the cub, leader, scout, parent, mummy, etc. Or instead of a whistle, use music, or call out.
Short prayer
Closing Ceremony