Friday, 27 August 2010

Elephants, 27/08/10

Elephant Ears Headband or Elephant Trunks Craft
Elephant Ears Headband
Materials Needed:
               Construction Paper
               Crayons or Markers
               Stapler or Tape
Using the construction paper, cut out a strip of paper about 2 inches thick and long enough to wrap around the Beavers fore head (make sure you make it an inch or two longer so you can staple the ends together.)
Now, fold another piece of paper in half and cut out a set of large, floppy ears.
Put the bottom edge of each ear up against the strip of paper and staple or tape them in place.
Once the ears are attached, staple or tape the ends of the strip together to snugly fit around the Beavers's fore head.

Elephant Trunks Craft
Materials Needed:
               Grey Paint
               Paper Towel Roll
Paint the paper towel roll grey.
When it is dry punch two holes near one end and tie on some yarn.
The Beavers can put it on and pretend to be an elephant.

Elephant Chain relay
Wearing their completed crafts - have a relay where the Beavers have to run from base to base collecting another member of their team and hold hands (like elephants hold each others trunks!

Pass the ball
Where the Beavers (in teams) pass a ball down the line without using their hands (could use under the chin, between the knees)

Toe-sie Roll
Beavers in pairs, lie stretched out on the floor feet to feet with soles touching.
They have to roll to left or right without losing touch with their partners feet- working together - like elephants do to move tree trunks

Friday, 20 August 2010

Ducks, 20/08/11

Let the Beavers colour in pictures of ducks and then stick them onto a large piece of paper on which is painted a pond.

Game:  Duck Race
All players line up on a start line. At the signal, they must all bend over, grab their ankles, and start running towards a designated finish line. The first one to the finish line without letting go of their ankles win.

Game: Duck, Duck, Goose
Beavers sit in a circle. One is ‘it’.
They walk round the circle touching the other Beavers heads - while saying ‘duck’. Then when they touch one head they say ‘goose’. That Beavers has to stand up and chase the other Beavers around the circle back to their original place. First back wins.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Desert, 13/08/10

Sand pictures
Have some dark paper, sand and glue available and let the Beavers create a sand picture

Camel race
The camel is known as the ship of the desert and is an ideally suited as a work animal and a form of transport. The large feet are able to travel across fine desert sand and its water store enables it to travel for many miles without water.
Arrange the Beavers into teams - they should form the camel shape by bending forwards and placing their hands in front of them on the floor. Palm tress (chairs) should be arranged and the race involves the Beavers weaving to the end of the hall and back. The first camel train to complete is the winner - but all the 'camels' must have all 4 'feet' on the floor.

Desert head-dresses
The sun is very strong in the desert and most people wear protection on their heads. You will be able to find pictures of this in travel brochures.
You need:
A oblong of material per Beavers (an old sheet would be ideal)
Some brightly coloured cord or rope in 50 cm lengths
2 elastic bands per Beavers

Give each Beavers 3 lengths of cord and using an elastic band fasten them together at one end.
Show the Beavers how to plait the cords and fasten at the other end with another elastic band
Let the Beavers decorate the material
Then secure the head-dress on the Beavers and let them wear them for the rest of the meeting

Desert Oasis
Have a green circle of card per Beavers on the floor - these are the oasis in the desert
The Beavers travel around the desert being careful to avoid the circles - when the sandstorm come (in the shape of a leader's whistle) the Beavers must seek shelter in an oasis.
Each time one circle is removed and the Beavers without an oasis is out

Desert rations
Devise a special drink - a fruit cocktail and make up an exotic name 'Cool camel Cocktail' perhaps?

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

The key that unlocks the spirit of the movement is the romance of woodcraft and nature lore.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Cars, 06/08/10

Game: Transport relay
Beaver Scouts run around the room ‘revving their engines’
Leader calls –
Mind that child = walk slowly
Red lights ahead = stop where they are
Zebra crossing = run to the middle of the room and lie on the floor
Green lights ahead = run around the room
Amber lights ahead = walk slowly
Add some more instructions of your own

Stop and go
Prepare 4 sets of traffic lights as per colours below.
Beaver Scouts obey the traffic lights (check if there are any beavers who are colour blind!) you hold up –
Red= STOP, do not run
Green = run to end of room
Amber = get ready to go
Red + amber = slow down ready to stop
Alter the sequence to make a fast moving game

Game: Transport trouble
Beaver Scouts sit on chairs in a circle with a leader in the middle. The leader moves around the inside of the circle imitating a means of transport (car, bus, train) and taps the players at random who must follow her/him copying the actions. When 3 or 4 players are following the leader, she shouts ‘all change’ whereupon all the players (and leader) must sit on a chair. The player without a chair starts off with a new form of transport.