Friday, 26 November 2010

Funny Food, 26/11/11

Game: Jam tarts
In relay form. Give the Beaver Scouts in each team the names of ingredients you would use to make jam tarts. Tell a story about making jam tarts remembering to mention all the ingredients. Every time an ingredient is mentioned the Beaver Scouts with that name must run to the end of the hall and back. When ‘jam tarts’ is called everyone has to run.

Game: Spud
Choose one Beaver Scout to start and give them a soft ball. All the others stand in a circle
On the word ‘go’ everyone scatters except the person holding the ball.
On the word ‘freeze’ everyone stands still. The player with the ball throws it in an attempt to hit the other players. If they succeed, the player who was hit becomes ‘it’ and takes the ball. If they miss, everyone can run again until the person who is ’it’ recovers the ball and shouts ‘freeze’. The game continues as above.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Why Are You in Scouting?

You know, there are more than a million Scouts in our country. I wonder how many of them will stay in Scouting and climb to the top, don’t you?
Tell me, why are you in Scouting? (Pause for answers.) So many boys enter Scouting for just one reason— to have fun. If you think that’s the only reason you’re in Scouting, believe me, there are other good reasons, too.
Sure Scouting is fun. But a lot of other things are fun, too. If you’re just looking for fun, you can play all kinds of indoor and outdoor games; go to the movies, watch television—or a thousand other things. Scouting must be more than just fun for you. It must be a way of life, a law and an oath to which you are loyal. Unless you try to live Scouting, you’ll find that other kinds of fun are easier and you’ll quit. The loyal
Scout is dedicated to the Scout Promise and the 12 points of the Scout Law. He has a deeper reason for sticking than just having fun. He sees the importance of learning the Scout skills, of developing himself so that he can be prepared to face anything that comes. He wants to grow to be a real man. That’s why he’s loyal. That’s why he sticks.
I hope you won’t ever quit until you’re up before a court of honour some day to get your Patrol Leader badge. That will be one of the biggest days of your whole life—and mine, too.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Football, 19/11/10

Game:  Dribbling skills
Beaver Scouts move the ball around cones – in relay format

Craft: Footballer – copy template of footballer and cut out the finger holes. Then the Beaver Scouts can play football with a ping pong ball

Corners – Beaver Scouts in the 4 corners of the room and they roll their ball into someone else’s corner. It there is a ball in your corner when the whistle blows the team looses points

Over and under – the Beaver Scouts in teams have to pass the bell over their head and under their legs alternately

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

There's nothing like 'Being Prepared' is there, for what might seem possible, even if it may not seem probable.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Rainbows, 05/11/10

Chat about Rainbows
Game:  May we cross the water
One group of Beaver Scouts are ‘on’.
The other Beaver Scouts have to ask ‘may we cross the water’.
They are told ‘yes’ or ‘no ‘.
If it is ‘yes’ they may cross safely.
If it is ‘no’ they must try to run across the water (room) and not get tagged.
Decorated Biscuits
Make up lots of different coloured icing and let the Beaver Scouts create their own rainbows. Add coloured ‘100s+1000s’
Game:    Parachute
Using a parachute play some throw and catch ball games
Thank you God for the beautiful world you have made for us (red)
Thank you God for the for the fruit and vegetables to eat (orange)
Thank you God for the for the sunshine (yellow)
Thank you God for the trees, grass and flowers (green)
Thank you God for the rain, rivers and seas (dark blue)
Thank you God for our clean water to drink (light blue)
Thank you God for all the animals and birds that make us smile (purple)
Thank you God for our friends and families who look after us