Thursday, 23 December 2010

Be Prepared for What?

Scouts, every one of you can tell me, without thinking, what the two words of the Scout Motto are? That’s right, “Be prepared.”
There is a story of a Scout in Oklahoma. His younger sister went too near a gas heater and instantly her clothes were in flames. The father and his 13-year old Scout-trained son rushed up the stairs to try to help. Remembering his first-aid work, the Scout knew what to do and he did it immediately. He grabbed a small rug and rolled the screaming child in it. He had been prepared.
In a moment he had smothered the flames and prevented serious injury to the child. “Thank God my son is a Scout,” the boy’s father told the Scoutmaster. “He knew what to do while I stood confused.”
That’s what it means to be prepared.
Once someone asked Baden-Powell, “Be prepared— for what?” “Why, for any old thing!” he replied.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Growing, 17/12/10

Game: Weeding the garden
A few pieces of newspaper are spread on the floor – this represents gardens.
The beaver Scouts run around the room and on the command ‘garden’ they stand on a piece of paper (with at least one foot on it). Anyone who is not on a piece is the ‘weed’ that has to be pulled out of the garden – so they are out. Gradually remove the paper until only one piece is left.

Skill: Planting Seeds
Using the compost and seed trays the Beaver Scouts prepare the tray and then plant the seeds. They should also make a label showing what has been planted, when and by who.

Game: Flowers
Same rules as ‘Fruit Salad’ with the Beaver Scouts being named – daisy, buttercup, rose, carnation (or the like). When ‘flowers’ is called they all swap places.

Game: Corners
Corners game using the things needed to help plants grow – soil, water, sun, weeding.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Pearls of Wisdom—Quotes from Baden-Powell

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the forest is at once a laboratory, a club and a temple

Friday, 10 December 2010

Global, 10/12/10

Game: Riverbanks
Riverbanks – form 2 lines facing each other
Build a dam (with number) – make a circle of that number
Tail slap – crouch down and slap floor with hand
Lodges – line up in lodges
Salute a friend – in 2s facing each other and salute
Mend the front / back of the lodge – run to the appropriate wall
Danger – curl up in a ball
Beavers run around and when the action is called they do it!

Base 1: Food tasting
Beavers sample foods from:
India – naan bread and curry
France – brioche
Germany – frankfurter
Italy – pizza
Beavers have their drink after this base

Base 2: Promises
Canada (Beaver promise)
I promise to love God and help take care of the world.
Law: A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps family and friends.
Motto: Sharing, sharing, sharing
Australia (Joey Promise)
I promise to do my best’ to love my God, and be helpful
Law: A Joey Scout cares, a Joey Scout share
Japan (Beavers)
I makes friends with all.
I defend a regulation of a beaver pack.
Ireland (Beavers)
I promise to do my best;
To be a good Beaver Scout,
To love God, and to love one another.
Eskimo greeting: Rub noses!

Game: Ball change
Divide the Beaver Scouts into 2 teams, on opposite sides of the room and number them. Place a chair at each end of the room with a different colour ball on each chair. The teams are told which colour is theirs.
When their number is called the Beaver Scout runs to get their ball and puts it on the opposite chair. The 1st person back to their place and all the team sat down gets the point. The Beaver Scouts must remember which end their ball is at, as it will change every time.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Flags, 03/12/10

Coming in Activity:
Name the walls England , Scotland , Wales and Ireland
Tell the Beavers a bit about them as the game goes on
When the country is called they have to run the correct wall.  

Make paper flags for the 4 countries or make a folding Union flag

Game: Catch the Haggis
Beavers stand in a spaced out line. With balls in a bucket at one end.
They have to pass the balls down the line without dropping them.

Game: Islands
Equipment – sheets of newspaper for islands
Give each Beavers a sheet of newspaper to place on the floor. The Beavers run around the islands, the leader takes away 1 island and when the whistle is blown they have to jump onto an island, one Beavers should be out, he then sits on an island and the game restarts.

Activity: Making flag biscuits
Beavers spread icing on the biscuit and decorate with liquorice laces or sweets to look like the flags the made earlier

Game: Land, Sea and Air
Notices pinned up LAND, SEA, AIR in three parts of the hall. Leader calls out name of a creature. Beavers have to run to the correct place where they might find the creature.