Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Swimming Up to Cub Scouts, 31/08/11

Parents / Guardians,

Once your child turns eight years old, they are old enough to move up to the Ariel Cub Section. The Cub Scouts meet on Tuesday evenings between 6.30 and 8.00pm.

In order to prepare your child for moving up to Cub Scouts, your child is invited to attend Cub Pack meetings as well as Beaver Colony meetings for the next few weeks, starting from next Tuesday. They should wear their blue Beaver uniform and group neckerchief.

This provides your child an opportunity to adjust to a different style of meeting, meet their new Leaders and the other Cub Scouts. Many of the current Cub Scouts were also Beaver Scouts at Ariel.

There will be no increase in monthly subscriptions whilst your child attends Beaver and Cub meetings, the monthly cost will continue to be £10.00 per month.

The Cub Scout Leader (Akela) will be available after every Cub Pack meeting from 8.00pm to give you the opportunity to answer any queries you may have.

If you have questions, then please speak to one of the leaders.

Yours in scouting,

Beaver Scout Leader
Cub Scout Leader

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Imagination Badge Letter, 30/08/11

Dear Parents / Guardians

This term the Beaver Scouts are going to be working towards their Imagination Badge.

A requirement is that they will have to build a model using a variety of objects. For this activity the Beavers will need to bring in some materials
such as:
Paper and cardboard of different textures & colours, Old magazines, Scrap material and fabric, Plastic bottles, Cereal packets, Shells and pebbles, Margarine tubs, Matchboxes, Cardboard tubes, Egg boxes, Wool scraps, Shoe boxes, Washing-up liquid containers, Yogurt and cream cartons, Soft drink cans.

Please bring these in during September and October.

Many thanks, and yours in scouting,

Beaver Leaders

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Actor and martial arts expert Chuck Norris knows that might does not always mean right. He explains: Not long ago, after a day of filming my television series, I went alone to a small Texas cafe. As I sat in a corner booth, a large man towered over me and said with an edge to his voice that I was sitting in his booth. I didn’t like his tone or his implicit threat, but I said nothing and moved to another booth. A few minutes later, though, the big fellow was headed back in my direction. Here he comes, I thought, a local tough out to make a name for himself by taking on Chuck Norris in a fight. When he arrived at my new booth, he looked directly at me. “You’re Chuck Norris,” he said. I nodded. “You could have whipped me good back there a few minutes ago,” he said. “Why didn’t you?” “What would it have proved?” I asked. He thought that over for a moment and then offered me his hand. “No hard feelings?” he said. “None,” I said, and shook his hand. I had avoided a confrontation and made a friend.
I had won by losing.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Quote of the month, August 2011

'Rejoin the adventure.'

We offer outdoor activities and adventure for everyone at every level.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Scouting Values, August 2011

Challenging: We don’t just climb mountains, we move them.
Impactful: Scouting changes lives. That’s a fact.
Positive: Help someone learn how to smile again.
Optimistic: If they can do it, you can do it.
Committed: You can’t change the world in a day. But together we can.
Informal: Got a few seconds? It might just change your life.
Humorous: Where did all that mud come from?
Friendly: Up to much on Thursday? Fancy 28 million new friends?
Surprising: Eleven of the twelve people to walk on the moon were Scouts. Surprised?
Striving: Let’s give young people a chance – one by one.
Inspiring: Two things matter in life: Follow your dreams and look after your friends (Bear Grylls).