Saturday, 30 April 2011

Adventure Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
Take part in three activities with other Beaver Scouts that will
provide adventure. Two should be activities that they have not
tried before.
Examples include:
• Treasure hunt
• Following a laid trail
• Grass sledging
• Journey using a new form of transport
• Making and sailing a model boat
• Climbing
• Abseiling
• Swimming
• Canal boating
• An adventure walk around a park
• Visiting a pier

Friday, 29 April 2011

Air Activities Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Make a paper dart out of paper and see how well it flies
2. Find out about a particular aeroplane and tell others in the colony about it. Examples might be Concord, Spitfire, Airbus, Lynx helicopter etc
3. Talk to someone who has flown in a plane, helicopter or hot air balloon and find out what it was like
4. If they have already flown in a plane – tell others in the Colony what it was like. If not, tell them what they would like to fly in, and why

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Animal Friend Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Know how to care for an animal, fish or insect
2. Help to take care of an animal for one month
3. Tell others in the Colony about the animal
4. Know about the correct food to feed the animal, including type, variety and quantity
5. Know about the habitat of the animal, such as where it sleeps etc
6. Know how to exercise the animal
7. Keep a record of the food given to the animal and what they do with the animal for a period of two weeks.
Examples of suitable animals for this Badge include: dogs, cats, gerbils, guinea pigs, fish, birds, rabbits, lambs, stick insects.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Creative Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
The Beaver Scout needs to:
1. explain/know about a creative activity
2. take part in the creative activity
3. tell the Colony about the activity.
Examples of creative activities include:
• Putting on a show or form of entertainment
• Making a mobile, origami shapes, a model out of clay or plasticine, a painting or drawing or doing conjuring tricks

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Experiment Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Decide what to do and try and work out what might happen
2. Investigate something of interest to find out how it works; or grow something from seed
3. Tell others in the Colony what they saw and discovered.

Some examples of experiments could include:
• Growing a bulb
• Growing mustard and cress, a seed potato, bean or carrot top
• Showing how a torch works from the bits that make it up
• Showing what a magnet can do, or making a game using magnets.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Explore Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Decide what or where to explore
2. Think about what they expect to find
3. Go on the exploration
4. Tell others in the Colony what they have discovered.

Suggested places to visit and explore include:
• the seashore
• a forest or park
• woodland
• a town

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Faith Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Write a prayer or reflection
2. Read or share a prayer at the opening or closing ceremony or some other time
3. Find and tell a story that relates to the Beaver Scout Promise
4. Tell others in the Colony about the story in an interesting way, for example, as simple drama, picture, cartoon, or part of a game
5. Visit a place of worship and show evidence of their visit with Photographs, drawings, handouts, leaflets or information sheets

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Aim at Something High

“In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they might fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.”
That quote is from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. Remember the troop shoot at the rifle range this past summer? You hit the target only if you aimed at it. Well, Thoreau realized that this is true in life, also. Whatever your goals are, you won’t achieve them unless you aim for them. You might completely miss the mark on your first few shots, but as you practice and gain knowledge, and experience, and control, you’ll become a better marksman, able to consistently hit your target.
And set a high goal for yourself. Those who have reached the rank of Patrol Leader in this troop will tell you that they decided early to aim for Scouting’s highest rank, and then they kept that target in their sights until they hit it.

Health & Fitness Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Learn about foods that are good for you
2. Learn about the value of keeping fit
3. Plan a healthy meal.
4. Tell others in the Colony about a sport or activity they take part in
5. Learn about personal hygiene

Friday, 22 April 2011

Healthy Eating Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Make a fruit salad
2. Make a healthy snack
3. Make two different sandwiches
4. List some unhealthy foods
Examples of healthy snacks include omelette, salad, mini pizzas, strawberry smoothie, homemade meatballs

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Hobbies Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Take part in a chosen hobby for a period agreed
2. Tell and show the Colony the chosen hobby

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Quote of the month, April 2011

'10 bins, 4 planks of wood, 3m of rope and river full of crocodiles. Sounds like a normal Friday night.'

We challenge Members to stretch themselves, try new things and discover their potential.

Imagination Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Write, tell or act a short story, poem or play.
2. Build a model using a variety of objects.
3. Build a collage, draw or paint a picture imagining what life might be like in the future

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Safety Activity Badge Requirements, 2011

Complete the following:
1. Explain the Green Cross code
2. Explain the Water Safety code
3. Say what to do when approached by a stranger
4. Identify possible dangers around the house and say what to do about them