Friday, 30 September 2011

Fitness Challenge, 30/09/11

Game: Icicles (freeze when touched), then two teams against each other playing skittles

Fitness Challenge: (step ups, ball bounces, sprints, hurdles). Measured heart rate before and after excercise.

Orange squash provided for thirsty Beavers

Badge requirements achieved:
Fitness Challenge - Take part in a team game (skittles), Take part in agility activities, Take part in a Keep Fit session, Monitor heartbeat after different activity and understand the reasons for change
Health & Fitness - Learn about the value of keeping fit

Sunday, 25 September 2011

‘Mad Hatters’ Tea Party, 25/09/11

Parents / Guardians,

There is a District Beaver Scout event taking place on Sunday 25th September at
Blackwell Court, Bromsgrove. This is in the form of a “Mad Hatters Tea Party”. The afternoon will include fun and games, food and refreshments will be provided.

Date: Sunday 25th September 2011
Time: 2.00 – 4.00pm
Venue: Roundhill Meadow, Blackwell Court, Agmore Road, Blackwell, Bromsgrove B60 1PX
Cost: £1.50 per child

In the event of wet weather – an indoor dry shelter has been booked.

This promises to be an enjoyable event, with the opportunity to meet and socialise with other Beaver Scouts from around the District.

Please can you let me know by text or email on or before Sunday 18th September if your child will be attending.

If you have any questions, then please contact me.

Yours in scouting,

Beaver Scout Leader

Friday, 23 September 2011


Don considered himself a musician. He played the tambourine in junior high school, but he wasn’t very good. He also thought of himself as a singer, but he couldn’t have carried a tune in a bucket. Years passed, and when all of his school friends were going to college and pursuing careers, Don nurtured his dream of becoming a singer–songwriter by moving to Nashville, Tennessee.
Once there, Don made the most of his limited resources. He bought a used car and slept in it. He took a job working nights so he could visit record companies during the day. He learned to play the guitar. As years passed, he kept writing songs, practicing, and knocking on doors.
After many years, Don finally got a song on the radio and it made the country hit charts. More time passed and Kenny Rogers recorded one of his songs. “The
Gambler” was the title song for one of the best-selling country-music albums of that time. Since then, Don Schlitz has had 23 number one songs on the charts. As a result of his focused determination, the teenage dreamer had become a success. Don had done five things essential to success, without even knowing it. They are the following:
1. Define your goals. Set a goal and picture yourself accomplishing that goal.
2. Seek out those who know more than you do. Model your efforts on theirs, adjusting and improving as you go.
3. Pursue your vision with determination. Successful people don’t quit. The biggest difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is usually not talent, but persistence.
4. Make an emotional commitment. You will sometimes want to quit after too many losses, but you have to pull yourself together with enthusiasm and commitment.
5. Review and renew your goals. As you reach your goals, set new ones. Go to the next level.

Fruit Kebabs, 23/09/11

North, South, East, West with 8 points of the compass progression
Four teams ball in bucket relay

Made fruit kebabs with melon, strawberries, grapes, bananas, satsumas and chocolate sauce.

Badge requirements achieved:
Fitness Challenge - Take part in a team game (bucket ball)Health & Fitness - Learn about foods that are good for you, Plan a healthy meal, Learn about personal hygiene
Healthy Eating - Make a fruit salad, Make a healthy snack, List some unhealthy foods

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Quote of the month, September 2011

'Confident about making life better.'

People like being part of an organisation that’s confident about its aims.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Model Making, 16/09/11

Five new Beaver Scouts invested

Model making using newspapers, cereal boxes, plastic bottles, kitchen rolls, egg boxes. Lots of robots created

Games: Captains Coming, Clap and Catch

Badge requirements achieved:
Imagination - Build a model using a variety of objects
Promise Challenge - Take part in an Investiture ceremony (Beaver Scout Promise)

Friday, 9 September 2011

Imagination, 09/09/11

Game: Benchball

Drew pictures of any object from our imagination, created a story which included the pictures, and acted it out in front of the group

Badge requirements achieved:
Creative - Act or mime a simple scene
Fitness - Take part in a team game; take part in co-operative game (benchball)
Imagination - Write, tell or act a short story, poem or play

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Introduction to Ariel Beavers, September 2011

Term dates
Final meeting before Christmas - Friday 16th December 2011
Christmas break – no meetings - 23rd & 30th December 2011
First meeting of New Year - Friday 6th January 2012
Easter Holiday – no meetings - 6th & 13th April 2012

Final Meeting before summer break - Friday 20th July 2012
First meeting of new Autumn term - Friday 7th September 2012 

Meeting Times   Friday evenings – arrive at 5.45pm, collection time is 7.00pm.

When your child has been coming to Beavers for two or three weeks they may wear the turquoise Beaver Scout uniform sweatshirt which can be bought online ( or from certain school uniform shops.

We will present the group neckerchief to your child once they have completed their training for the Beaver Scout Membership Badge and are ready to be invested as a member of the Scout Association.

Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Monthly subscriptions
Payment of subs is standardised across all sections (Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts).
Subscriptions are £10.00 per month, collected on the first Friday of every month. This covers all Friday evening activities, hall hire and maintenance, refreshments, and any badges awarded.

Due to the closure for two weeks over Christmas please pay £2.50 for every meeting attended during December 2011.

New Members
Boys and girls can join from 5 ¾ years to 8 years old:
- Anyone younger then 5 ¾ years will be placed on a waiting list until they reach the appropriate age.
- Boys and girls aged 8 to 10 ½ years old may join our Cub Scout section on Tuesday evenings.