Welcome: Gather everyone around and welcome them. Introduce parents to the Leaders/adults.
Investiture: New beavers come forward, say the Beaver Scout motto and collect certificates and badges.
Colony gathers in circle and makes the scout sign whilst whole colony repeats The Beaver Scout Promise
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God
Game: Clumps
All the Beavers run around the hall. When the whistle is blown or you clap or call out a number, the Beavers quickly get into groups of that number.
Beaver Scout Motto
Be prepared: Being a Beaver Scout, you will always want to be prepared to anything. You should be prepared to –
• help other people
• keep yourself fit and healthy
• make new friends
• keep the Beaver Scout Promise
How to stand
Beaver Scouts try to look as smart as they can whenever they are in uniform. To help them to look even smarter, they have two special ways of standing – one is called ‘Alert’ and the other is called ‘At Ease’. A Leader will call out the commands – try to see how smartly you can do the actions. When a Leader calls ‘Colony Alert’ or ‘Beavers Alert’, you should stand up straight with your arms smartly by your sides moving your left leg to put your feet together. When a Leader calls ‘Colony – at Ease’ you should move your left leg until it is comfortably apart from the other, with your hands held behind your back. Practice standing at ‘Alert’ and ‘At Ease’.
Cannon Ball Fight
Equipment: Lots of small balls
Divide your Colony into teams of roughly equal numbers. You can use any number of teams, but two or four teams work best. Each team has an area or ship to defend (you can mark these areas with chalk). Each team is given an equal number of cannon balls. The object of the game is to get as many cannon balls into the other team’s ships and keep as many out of their own. Make sure you tell the Beavers to roll the balls along the floor and stay in their area.
Game: Transport the rations (in groups)
Mark off an area of the meeting venue as the sea. Put in a number of stepping stones (either paper or chairs). The Beavers, working in teams have to transport all the rations from one shore to the other, without stepping in the sea.
Equipment: Empty cans, food cartons, plastic bottles, boxes etc. Paper or chairs for stepping stones.
Hand out Beaver welcome letter to show position of badges. Remind beavers to clearly label uniform.